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Treatment for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Introduction (Total listening time: 12:49)
Welcome (1:19)
Copyright notice (0:38)
Acknowledgement of country (0:26)
Getting the most out of training
Your trainer (4:29)
Outline (1:38)
Your safety (1:26)
Self-compassion (1:11)
Inclusive language (1:40)
Download slides
Definitions (Total listening time: 7:21)
Childhood sexual abuse (1:00)
Sexual offences (3:06)
Contact/non-contact (3:15)
Prevalence (Total listening time: 2:08)
ABS estimates (0:39)
True amount unknown (1:29)
More information
Impacts (Total listening time: 17:42)
Short term (3:25)
Disruption in development (4:30)
Long term (3:21)
Predictors (2:23)
Summary & why this is important (1:40)
Legal and ethical considerations (Total listening time: 6:40)
Mandatory reporting (1:19)
APS code of ethics (0:58)
Rights of the adult clients (2:33)
If a client has not made report (1:40)
Assessment (Total listening time 23:01)
Do I ask about the abuse ? (5:21)
Current circumstances & symptoms (5:46)
What is important to assess about the abuse (3:26)
Therapeutic themes (3:38)
Assessment forms (3:23)
Other assessment (1:27)
Initial stages fo treatment (Total listening time: 12:25)
Safety and resources (4:13)
Safety in the room (4:29)
Memory triggers (1:25)
Managing flashbacks (2:18)
Direct treatment for abuse (Total listening time: 34:35)
How to manage a disclosure (5:22)
Stages of abuse (7:38)
Understanding how/why the abuse happened (9:08)
Trauma psycho-education (2:39)
Validation of rights and harms (3:40)
Direct trauma processing (1:39)
Example (4:29)
Treating impacts of abuse (Total listening time: 8:49)
Treatment modalities (3:00)
Identifying and treating trauma parallels (3:40)
Normalising adaptive responses (2:09)
Treating sexual health and intimacy impacts (Total listening time: 12:29)
Common sexual health difficulties (3:24)
General treatment targets (4:05)
Normalising arousal (1:21)
Relationship difficulties (1:55)
Helping partners to manage trauma triggers (1:44)
Integration and termination (Total listening time: 5:39)
Assessing stages (3:57)
Reflection questions (1:42)
Practitioner care (Total listening time: 10:22)
Managing transference & counter transference (3:20)
Vicarious trauma (1:33)
Practitioner trauma history (2:20)
Self-care (1:13)
Compassion exercise (1:56)
Case examples (Total listening time: 11:02)
Client A (6:47)
Client B (4:15)
Conclusion (Total listenting time: 6:12)
Summary (5:27)
Further training
Thank you (0:44)
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