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Responding to Sexual Assault Disclosures
Introduction (Total listening time 6:14)
Welcome (0:47)
Copyright notice (0:38)
Acknowledgement of country (0:26)
Getting the most out of training
Your trainer (3:56)
Your safety (0:27)
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Terms, definition and prevalence (Total listening time 11:49)
Terms (1:24)
What is psychological first aid? (1:28)
What is sexual assault? (1:21)
Complexities of consent (3:18)
Facts about sexual assault (1:08)
Prevelance (1:26)
Reporting rates (1:44)
Victim/survivor impacts (Total listening time 18:04)
Potential impacts (4:39)
Some common early responses (3:41)
Grief/adjustment to trauma (1:51)
Common cognitive responses (5:52)
Factors that compound and amplify (2:01)
Affirming therapeutic response (Total listening time 24:41)
Therapeutic interventions (1:01)
Integrated principles and steps for an affirming response (0:54)
1. Hold space for their experience (1:58)
2. Normalise response (3:34)
3. Check responses from other people (4:54)
4. Affirm their rights (3:37)
5. Identify and challenge distortions compassionately (3:05)
6. Provide options/practical support (2:04)
Access to information and support (Total listening time 2:18)
CASA house (1:13)
Psychometrics (1:05)
Conclusion (Total listening time 3:50)
Summary (2:45)
Future training
Thank you (1:05)
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